How can I increase my Earnings?

You can increase your potential earnings in the following ways:

  • Referral Scheme

By recommending potential presenters to the scheme you have the ability to increase your earnings. You will receive continuous commission from all successful earning presenters you have recommended. There is no maximum to the number of presenters you can recommend!

Click here for more information on our referral scheme:

  • Notifications

 Make your time more efficient by signing up to notifications. In doing this you will be notified when players are at a table so you don't need to waste any time waiting online

Click here to see how to sign up:

  • Fan Club

 If players like the way you present, they are able to join your fan club by clicking on the red heart on your video. Over time you can build up a following. Those players will also be notified whenever you are presenting online. This will ensure that your tables are full and you are maximising your earning potential 

  • Tipping

Players have the ability to tip. These tips will be placed into a presenter 'pool' and will be distributed depending on how many player rounds you have presented in total for that month.

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